Degreemaster   City: nantong, jiang su

Table of Contents

Master Course Taught in English

  1. International Business
  2. Land Resource Management
  3. AppliedEconomics
  4. SocialSecurity
  5. AdministrativeManagement
  6. ChineseLanguage and Literature
  7. AppliedMathematics
  8. OpticalEngineering
  9. Pedagogy
  10. EnglishLanguage and Literature
  11. Botany
  12. MechanicalEngineering
  13. Informationand Communication Engineering
  14. Control Scienceand Engineering
  15. TextileEngineering
  16. ClothingDesign and Engineering
  17. BiologicalMedicine Engineering
  18. PathogenicBiology
  19. Pediatrics
  20. Neurology
  21. Dermatologyand Venereology
  22. Imagingand Nuclear Medicine
  23. ClinicalLaboratory Diagnostics
  24. Rehabilitation Therapeutics
  25. Emergencymedicine
  26. PublicHealth and Preventive Medicine
  27. IntensiveCare
  28. SportsPedagogy and Training
  29. Musicand Dance
  30. Fine Arts
  31. Biology
  32. SpecialMedicine
  33. Pharmacology
  34. Human AnatomyHistology and Embryology
  35. Pathology
  36. PathogenyBiology
  37. MedicalInformatics

Scholarship Details of Masters Degree

Scholarship Covers Type-A

  1. TuitionFees Free
  2. AccommodationFees Free
  3. MonthlyStipend 500CNY/month

Scholarship Covers Type-B

  1. TuitionFees Free
  2. AccommodationFees Free

Other fees Need to pay to the University

  1. InsuranceFees:800CNY/Year
  2. ResidentPermit:400CNY/Year
  3. MedicalFees:500CNY (Only 1st Year)
  4. RegistrationFees:500CNY/Year

Documents :

  1. Passport
  2. Picture
  3. Last Academic Transcript and Certificate
  4. English Proficiency Certificate(IELTS 5.5 or TOFEL 70 or any other certificate)
  5. Health Check Up Certificate
  6. Police Clearance
  7. Two recommendation Letter (From Professors /Associates   Professor)
  8. Study Plan /Research Proposal
  9. Work Experience /Publication(If  Applicable)
  10. Application form.

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